Transformative Coaching and Consulting


Embracing Challenges

Integration will lead to Transformation.
The more holistic and synergistic the leaders, teams, and culture of an organization become, the more transformative the mission of the enterprise will be.
The critical path to long-term competitive advantage is to create social, emotional, and financial value for all the stakeholders in the mission of the enterprise.


SIX Leadership Challenges for Owners & Executives:


Developing Leaders

High-capacity leadership is required at all levels of an organization to keep a business enterprise in prime.


building teams

Teamwork is essential and it only takes one emotionally skilled team member to derail the most brilliant leadership team.


LEADING change

The real challenge is leading people through constructive paths of change that accelerates the growth of the enterprise. Reacting to internal and external change will eventually lead to decline.


transforming conflict

Clearing emotional charges, managing tensions, and resolving differences can transform conflict into organizational energy. Differentiated, integrated and compassionate leaders can master this critical skill.


Fostering innovation

Rapid social, cultural and technilogical changes require constant innovation and creativity for a business or non-profit enterprise to thrive.


leaving a legacy

True leadership must define and execute on a compelling vision and strategy that makes a vital contribution to the next generation.


Sage Expansion provides the mentoring, training, and support to master these critical leadership challenges and accelerate the developmental path of the organization toward its preferred destination.