Transformative Coaching and Consulting

Leadership Intensive

Leadership Intensive

This 2½ day individual training with SageQuest mentors helps executives navigate the “white water” of personal and organizational transitions and carefully plan the next chapter of life.  Through deep dialogue, experiential exercises, and focused coaching, this customized intensive process removes long-standing barriers and accelerates personal and professional growth.


Why It Matters

Senior executives often provide development opportunities for everyone in their organization, but not for themselves.  As a result, their organizations suffer a significant opportunity cost because of this “sacrifice.”  Focusing on leadership challenges in a confidential environment is not only enlightening and invigorating for the executive leader, but greatly benefits the organization they serve.

What To Expect

As the name suggests, the Intensive is powerful, personal, and practical.  Many have described it as “transformational and life changing.”  One’s life stories are examined and reframed so unique design and personal destiny can be better aligned.  Obsolete patterns of managing yourself and others will be addressed. New ways of thinking and behaving will extend the frontier of your executive leadership capacity, character and courage.

As a senior leader, this highly personalized program will…

  • Integrate the Head, Heart, Hands and Heroic leadership dimensions
  • Understand and apply the Four Levels of Executive Leadership
  • Re-interpret and fully integrate your personal leadership story
  • Renew a sense of individual calling and destiny
  • Navigate personal and professional transitions
The SageQuest Leadership Intensive tapped into my heart at the deepest level and allowed me to deliberately consider my professional, personal, and spiritual present and future. I left with crystal-clear plans for the next chapter of life on each of those fronts. It was a challenging, invaluable, and life-changing 2 ½ days.
— Tom Hill, Senior Portfolio Manager, Foundation Resource Management, Little Rock, AR